Thursday, January 31, 2013

Finding A Use For The Useless

So, I don't know how many of my readers are aware of this, but here, in Canada, our penny will soon be worthless. Well, it's practically already worthless. But they're everywhere! We find pennies in between couch cushions, in pants pockets. If we can't pay for things with them, what do we do with them?

My inspiration came from this story about a Pittsburgh man who tiled the floor of his tattoo shop with pennies.

I wasn't about to re-tile my floor, but I figured I could find other ways to use the copper coins to decorate. The easiest, cheapest, and most versatile thing to do was to make penny wall art.

And here (Of course) is how I did it!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm Back! And I'm Busy.

Wow. I've been gone a while.

I had first semester exams, and I was really busy with those. Thankfully they"re done now.

So NOW what's keeping me busy is my college applications. I'm applying to fashion design programs at various schools, and for the one I have to send in a supplemental package.

In that package I have to include some fashion illustrations. One evening wear design, a casual skirt and top combo, a casual pants and top combo and then a design of my choice.

So far, my ideas for the evening wear include these dresses.

That last one would be made of black and white Chinese brocade, and would have silver coloured frog closures at the back. And, yes, her arm looks like an alien tentacle.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Starting Another Sampler

I'm seriously loving embroidery right now. I find it so relaxing, and at the same time I'm creating something. something pretty!  I finished my first sampler already, as you saw, and now I'm already experimenting. This next sampler with be one really big spiral. I'm going to use all different stitches, in different shades of blue on light blue cotton.

I started with a backstitch

Then I did a running stitch, then a long backstitch

Unfortunately, with exams coming up I haven't been able to work on it much, because the majority of my time is spent studying and finishing assignments. 

I can't wait for exams to be through so I can get back to my sewing.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My 19th Birthday!

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me! Happy birthday, happy birthday! Happy birthday to me!

I am now 19 years old. Old enough to legally drink alcohol, and... well that's about it.  I had a great birthday! I went out for Thai food with my family, and we went back home for cheese cake afterwards.  There's me, with the cheesecake. 

My birthday was on Wednesday, but my party was last night.  I had 3 of my closest friend over and we has a 50's themed celebration. 

Us girls dressed up in big, circle skirts, and red lipstick. My one friend had a real, vintage poodle skirt! It was soo cool!

We got my boyfriend to wear an actual belt, and tuck his shirt in. Then we combed his hair back a la Fonzie! 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Learning To Embroider!

I've always wanted to learn how to embroider. And now I am learning.

So I've learned 3 stitches so far; the running stitch, the backstitch, and the split stitch.

1- running stitch  2- backstitch  3- split stitch  

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy Hand-Me Downs!

I wasn't kidding when I said that I'm always getting old clothes from friends. Just today I received 2 grocery bags filled with stuff! Like, a LOT of STUFF. And I can't wait to see what I can do with it all!

So I brought the bags inside, and Skyler and I went through them.

Skyler just dug straight to the bottom of the bag.

The verdict on what we found is pretty much half and half. Some of it is really cute. Some of it will definitely have to be recycled/upcycled. Some of it is headed straight for the trash.